Friday 6 September 2013

Sentences And Types of Sentences

What is a sentence? .......A group of words that makes good sense is known as sentence.
शब्दांचा अर्थपुर्ण समुह म्हणजे वाक्य होय.
e.g. :A.] India is my country. B.] I learn English. C.] Do you like tea? D.] Come here. E.] Alas! He is dead. F.] What do you want?
वाक्याचे चार प्रकार आहेत 1. Assertive 2. Imperative 3. Interrogative 4. Exclamatory.

1.1 Assertive किंवा statement: कर्त्याबद्दल विधान करणारे वाक्य म्हणजे विधानात्मक वाक्य होय.
: 1. subject + verb + object.
We love India.
2. subject + verb + complement.
He is a farmer. He is happy.
3. subject + h. v. + verb + complement/object.
Ganesh is flying a kite.
They have invited us.

Subject म्हणजे कर्ता जो Noun / Pronoun च्या रुपात असतो . Object म्हणजे कर्म जो Noun / Pronoun च्या objective form मध्ये असतो .Complement म्हणजे पुरक शब्द होय. वाक्याचा अर्थ पुर्ण करण्यासाठी वापरलेले Noun किवा Adjective हे complement चे कार्य करते.
1.2 Imperative Sentence: आ‍द्न्या(order) , हुकूम, विनंती ,सुचना करनारे वाक्य म्ह्णजे Imperative sentence होय.
: 1. verb + object. Open book.
2. verb + complement. Move aside. Look at me.

more examples:

Please give me your notebook.(request)

Don't waste time.(advice)
Have a nice day.(wish)
Do not do that again.(command)
March ahead. (order)
1.3 Interrogative sentence: माहिती मिळ्वीण्यासा्ठी किंवा चौकशीसाठी केलेले प्रश्न म्हणजे प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य होय.प्रश्नार्थक वाक्याचे दोन प्रकार आहेत. 1. Verbal question 2. wh-question

A] Verbal Question किंवा Yes/No type Question
रचना : H. V. + Sub. + Verb + Obj./Comp. ?

Do you like fruits?

Have they invited us?

Is Ganesh flying kite?

Can you read English?

Are you ready?
टिप: H. V = मुख्य क्रीयापदाला मदत म्ह्णुन वापरलेल्या शब्दाला Helping verb/ Auxiliary verb म्हणतात.Helping verb पुढील प्रमाणे आहेत can, could, may, might, must, am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, shall, will, should, would, do, does, did, इत्यादी. B] Wh-Question:
रचना (Structure): Wh-word + H. V. + Sub. + Verb + ........... ?

1. What do you want?

2. Where do you live?

3. When have they arrived?

4. Who wrote the constitution of India?

5. Why are you late?

6. How are you?

1.4 Exclamatory Sentence.: स्वाभावीक तिव्र भावना व्यक्त करनारे वाक्य म्ह्णजे उदगारवाचक वाक्य होय.
रचना : 1. What + a/an + adjective + noun + sub + verb !
2. How + adjective + sub + verb !

1. What a beautiful flower it is!

2. What an honest man he is!

3. How clever you are!

4. How pretty!

5. What a colourful bush!

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